Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) maximises the potential of all resources to unearth opportunities for people, communities and the economy.
To be a safe, sustainable and reliable mine
delivering energy needs for the future.
- Targeting zero harm.
- Consistently achieving our targets and goals.
- Having a team of great people who are committed, valued, developed and empowered.
- Fostering innovation and simplicity.
- Contributing positively
to the environment and
our communities in which
we operate.
To maximise the potential of all
our resources

At our HVO South and HVO North mines near the Upper Hunter town of Singleton, we mine up to 42 million tonnes of high quality thermal and semi-soft metallurgical coal a year to help meet the world’s energy needs.
Our mines support up to 1,500 jobs. Spending more than $500 million a year on goods and services with more than 700 suppliers creates thousands of flow on jobs. Through community grants and charity support, taxes and mining royalties, HVO also supports local and state infrastructure and projects that benefit communities. In 2022, HVO’s direct economic contribution was $1.5 billion.

Our long history, extensive mining experience and investment in equipment, technology and people makes HVO a safe, sustainable and reliable mining operation. We monitor and manage operational impacts to treat the surrounding environment with respect and care for future generations. We work with local communities and the agricultural sector to support local farming, community projects and jobs. Our goal is to always do things better.
We offer rewarding and diverse career opportunities to talented people who think sharp, dig in and care about customers, the environment and communities.

HVO is proposing to continue its operations to 2050 to meet short to medium term demand for its coal. By essentially mining existing seams deeper, there’ll be little change to the scale of mining and no increase to already approved annual production rates.
Our mine has been operating since 1949. We have a long and proud history of being part of the local community. HVO is now jointly owned by Yancoal (51%) and Glencore (49%) and independently managed through a joint venture partnership.
HVO Timeline


Mining in the area around West Pit commence when the operating arm of the Joint Coal Board and the New South Wales Mining Company, started mining leases at Foybrook Open Cut. The New South Wales Mining Company subsequently constructed the Newdell Coal Preparation Plant.
Image – Satellite image of the Newdell site (1958).


Mining activities in HVO South commence at Lemington Mine, while owned by ExxonMobil. 1972 – Underground Buchanan Lemington mine No.1 at Mt Arthur opens.
Image – Miners service the cutting picks of an underground machine.


Underground Buchanan Lemington Mine No.2 at Mt Arthur opens to develop underground reserves.
Image – A coal train loading at Mt Thorley.


Hunter Valley No.1 (part of HVO North) begins mining under Coal & Allied.
Image – Rehabilitated areas sown with restored top-soil.


HVO’s West Pit supplies coal to Bayswater and Liddell power stations. Hunter Valley No.2 Mine opens Cheshunt and Riverview pits.
Image – The console in the operations room at No.2 washery.


Merger of operators in West pit forms Hunter Valley Operations.
Image – The overland conveyor that passes under the New England Highway can direct coal to Liddell Coal Treatment Plant or to Hunter Valley Loading Point.


North Pit integrates into West Pit Extension and receives Minor Modifications consent.
Image – Two clean stockpiles each of 200,000 tonne capacity can receive coal at 2000 tph.


Multiple infrastructure projects begin to upgrade facilities and operations to wash, process and transport coal.
Image – Aerial image taken during the civil works construction of the Coal Preparation Plant at HVO North.


HVO employs around 1500 staff and works with 750 suppliers – many of them local. HVO is one of the largest mines in NSW. Its direct economic contribution in 2022 was $1.5 billion.